July 1, 2011

MySchedule-1.3.3 release

The Quartz Scheduler project is great to create any fancy and heavy duty scheduling tasks in Java project. One area it's missing is that the quartz library is very much targeted for developer, and there is not many user front end to allow end user to immediately exploring the scheduler system. This is the reason I created myschedule project. It's free, open source (Apache License 2.0) dashboard manager for Quartz. It's conveniently packaged as war file and you may deploy into any Servlet 2.5+ Web Container server to run it.

The myschedule-1.3.3 release let you manage multiple quartz schedulers on a single webapp, and you may create and delete the config right in the webapp. The myschedule will quickly let a end user to load and run jobs without doing any programming. But myschedule also comes with a Scripting tool that let power uses to schedule any jobs using Groovy programming language. The myschedule's job listing page and management of the UI has also greatly been improved since the first release.

So if you need Quartz or want any scheduling jobs, you should check it out. http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/downloads/list