I just noticed that Cygwin's cygpath
command supports -p
option. This is a real gem when writing Java wrapper script that needs to covert CLASSPATH values. A simple script can demonstrate the purpose.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: Zemian Deng, date: 2012-11-16T00:00:00-05:00
# run.sh - A simple Java wrapper script for Cygwin and Unix/Linux shell. We assume
# this script is located in a subdiretory inside the application home directory.
# Example:
# app/bin/run.sh
# app/config/log4j.properties
# app/lib/log4j.jar
# Usage:
# bash> run.sh app.Hello
DIR=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.." && pwd)
if [[ "$OS" == Windows* ]]; then
CP=$(cygpath -mp $CP)
java -cp "$CP" "$@"