March 13, 2015

EE JSP and Servlet 3 - Crafting Your Own MVC Pattern

The combination of JSP and Servlet allows you to develope MVC pattern web application easily. The main focus of MVC pattern is that we want to write a Controller logic that can produce data Model, and then let the View to display these data and generate the desired HTML output. These are done so we may separate the concern on each layer, and makes developing larger application easier. In EE, we can map a Servlet to a URL and let the Servlet becomes the Contoller, and when all data model are gathered and stored in request, session or application scope, we can then forward to a JSP for rendering output.

Now the last part is CONTROLLER, which can be verbose and a bit raw feel if you were to write a Servlet class per each. So we can improve this part and define a simplier interface to let developer write controller easier. Here I will show you how a simple MVC style of code can look like.
