February 27, 2018

Getting started with Apache HTTPD Web Server on Windows

Using native Windows Binary (without admin rights)

  1. Download one of binary from https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/platform/windows.html#down

  2. Unzip a portable version (zip file) into C:\Apache24

  3. cd C:\Apache24\bin and run httpd.exe

  4. Open browser to http://localhost

Press CTRL+C to stop the server.

Where is the httpd.conf?

The web server config file is located at C:\Apache24\conf\httpd.conf

The default document root should be at C:\Apache24\htdocs

The default error log file is at C:\Apache24\logs\error.log

How to enable cgi-bin scripts

There is a default perl test script under C:\Apache24\cgi-bin\printenv.pl, and if you have native Windows Perl installed, you need to modify the first line in the script. Example: #!/C:/perl5/perl.exe

Now test it on http://localhost/cgi-bin/printenv.pl

Using Python as cgi-bin test script

Create C:\Apache24\cgi-bin\printenv.py script:

import cgi

Test it on http://localhost/cgi-bin/printenv.py

Using Cygwin for Windows

  1. Install httpd and httpd-tool packages in your cygwin

  2. If you have not started cygserver, run it now in the background.

  3. Run apachectl -k start

  4. Open browser to http://localhost

Run apachectl -k stop to stop the server.

Where is the httpd.conf ?

The web server config file is located at /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

The default document root should be at /srv/www/htdocs

The default error log file is at /var/log/httpd/error_log

How to enable cgi-bin scripts

  1. Ensure you have installed perl package in Cygwin.

  2. Modify /srv/www/cgi-bin/printenv file first line with #!/usr/bin/perl

  3. Run chmod a+x

  4. Modify httpd.conf to enable mod_cgi:

        <IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
                LoadModule cgi_module modules/mod_cgi.so
  1. Restart httpd server

Now test it on http://localhost/cgi-bin/printenv

You can also test the /srv/www/cgi-bin/test-cgi script, but it uses #!/usr/bin/sh instead of perl!

If you use default cgi-bin folder that are setup with ScriptAlias, then you do not need to add Options +ExecCGI line to the conf file.

Using Python as cgi-bin test script

Create /srv/www/cgi-bin/printenv.py script:

    import cgi