March 23, 2018

Install Windows JDK Without Admin Rights

Installing JDK 7

  1. Download Oracle Java SE JDK 7 In this example, we will use jdk-7u80-windows-x64.exe

  2. Extract jdk-7u80-windows-x64.exe using 7-zip tool. Right click the file then select context menu 7-zip > Extract to jdk-7u80-windows-x64

  3. Go to the directory jdk-7u80-windows-x64/.rsrc/1033/JAVA_CAB10

    • Step 1: Extract the file 111 using 7-zip again, which will result a file

      • Right click the file then select context menu 7-zip > Extract here
    • Step 2: Extract using 7-zip tool again

      • Right click the file then select context menu 7-zip > Extract to tools
    • Step 3: Open cmd.exe and cd into tools directory above, then run the following:

      for /r %i in (*.pack) do bin\unpack200 -r -v %i %~pi%~ni.jar

Or if you use Cygwin Bash, you can run this:

find . -name '*.pack' -type f -exec sh -c 'bin/unpack200 -r -v $0 ${0/.pack/.jar}' {} \;
  • Step 4: Copy tools folder and rename it to %USERPROFILE%/apps/jdk-7u80

    1. Optionally, if you want the JDK source code, following these instruction:
  • Step 1: Go to the directory Go to the directory jdk-7u80-windows-x64/.rsrc/1033/JAVA_CAB9

  • Step 2: Extract the file 110, which contains

  • Step 3: Copy into %USERPROFILE%/apps/jdk-7u80


Installing JDK 8

The JDK8 update 102 or higher has different file structure!

  1. Use 7-zip to unpack jdk-8u131-windows-x64.exe

  2. cd .rsrc/1033/JAVA_CAB10

  3. Use 7-zip to unpack 111 file and extract

  4. Use same instructions as above to unpack

Java source is within the file 110 located inside .rsrc/1033/JAVA_CAB9.

Installing JDK 9

Staring JDK9, the OpenJDK provides binary tar ball (zipped) executable JDK package that can unpack in Windows in any directory. But if you still want Oracle Java SE JDK, then you still use above instruction to get around installing without admin rights.
