A quick sql table setup to test most common data types.
-- Notes for Sybase Database 16
-- http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.sybase.infocenter.dc70202.1570/html/quickref/title.htm
-- Data Types
-- http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.sybase.infocenter.dc32300.1600/doc/html/san1390612189202.html
CHAR Fixed length and space padded character string (sql: CHAR)
VARCHAR Variable length character string (sql: VARCHAR)
UNIVARCHAR Same as VARCHAR but with Unicode support
TEXT Variable length character large string (sql: TEXT)
INT Declare integer number (sql: INT 32 bits)
SMALLINT 16 bits
BIGINT 64 bits
REAL Declare floating-point number 32 bits
DOUBLE PRECISION Declare floating-point number 64 bits
NUMERIC(p,s) Declare fixed-point number (sql: NUMERIC)
DATE Declare date
TIME Declare time
DATETIME Declare datetime with sub second precision
BINARY Binary data
BINARY Binary data
BINARY Binary data
-- Test table
create table test(
id int identity primary key not null,
ts datetime default getdate() not null,
cat varchar(10) not null,
price numeric(19,4) null,
qty int null,
txtdata text null,
bindata binary null,
distx real null,
disty double precision null
insert into test(cat, price, qty) values ('test', 100000.10, 50000),
('test', 100000.20, 0),
('test', 100000.00, 1),
('test', 9977000.3333, 179),
('test', 104729.1129, 104729);
insert into test(cat, bindata, txtdata) values ('test2', 0xCAFEBABE, 'CAFEBABE');
insert into test(cat, bindata) values ('test3', convert(binary, rand()));
insert into test(cat, bindata) values ('test3', convert(binary, rand()));
insert into test(cat, bindata) values ('test3', convert(binary, rand()));
insert into test(cat, distx, disty) values ('test4', rand(), rand());
insert into test(cat, distx, disty) values ('test4', rand(), rand());
insert into test(cat, distx, disty) values ('test4', rand(), rand());
select sum(price) from test where cat = 'test';
select * from test order by cat, ts desc;