The easiest way to get started with Spring is to setup SpringBoot with their CLI tool. You can bootstrap a web application with a single Groovy script!
Download the CLI from
Now unzip and setup PATH to use the spring
export PATH=`pwd`/spring-2.0.5.RELEASE/bin:$PATH
Create a simple groovy app script
// file: app.groovy
class HelloApp {
String home() {
return "Hello World!"
Now run it and test it with a browser:
spring run app.groovy
open http://localhost:8080
Or you can create a full SpringBoot project with Maven build:
# Or create a new project
spring init -d=web -x --package-name zemian.springbootstarter.hello hello-spring-boot
cd hello-spring-boot
./mvnw spring-boot:run
open http://localhost:8080
You can learn more from my starter project: