September 19, 2020

How to Load Multiple jQuery

Sometimes, your site might need to load mulitple versions of jQuery to support some legacy libraries. Here I will provide two ways to do that.

Using plain HTML/JS

<script src=""></script>
<script>let jq3 = jQuery.noConflict(true);</script>
<script src=""></script>
<script>let jq1 = jQuery.noConflict(true);</script>

// Now we can use each jQuery with the name assigned.
console.log("jQuery 3 version " + jq3.fn.jquery);
console.log("jQuery 1 version " + jq1.fn.jquery);

console.log("jQuery 3 document ", jq3(document));
console.log("jQuery 1 document ", jq1(document));

NOTE: You need to call noConflict() immediately after the script tag load of the jQuery. If you are dealing with multiple jQuery, it's best not to use the $ global variable to avoid confusion.

Using RequireJS

<script src=""></script>
	define('jq3', [''], function() {
		return jQuery.noConflict(true);
	define('jq1', [''], function() {
		return jQuery.noConflict(true);

	require(['jq3', 'jq1'], function(jq3, jq1) {
		jq3(function () {
		console.log("jQuery 3 version " + jq3.fn.jquery);
		console.log("jQuery 1 version " + jq1.fn.jquery);

		console.log("jQuery 3 document ", jq3(document));
		console.log("jQuery 1 document ", jq1(document));

NOTE: Do not load multiple versions of jQuery through the paths inside requirejs.config() method. As that will automatically bind the jquery module name and you can't change that.