April 13, 2022

How to Setup PHP with Xdebug

Here are instructions on how to enable Xdebug with PHP.

  1. Find out which PHP are you currently running and the php.ini that is loaded.

  2. Run pecl install xdebug and it should automatically install and enable it. (Ensure the pecl is from the same installation as your PHP executable)

  3. The install above should autoenabled "xdebug.so" in y our php.ini file, but you still need to add another line, like this:

  4. Verify you have it installed by running php -v, and you should see line like this:

    with Xdebug v3.1.3, Copyright (c) 2002-2022, by Derick Rethans
  5. Restart httpd web server if you are using the PHP there.

  6. Install Xdebug Helper Chrome Extension and enable "Debug" mode.

  7. Now you may reload your PHP application on the Chrome browser.

NOTE: After enabled these settings, you should checkout PHPStorm IDE. It has excellent debugger that let you step through your code like an Ninja!